You know your message, your target audience, and the tools you need to reach them. So why isn’t your audience embracing your message? The trust gap between consumers and the food industry is real, and simply providing information isn’t the answer.
Share Your Values
While facts are your foundation, research shows that shared values are 3 to 5 times more important in building trust. Commonalities move people to experience a deeper connection with your brand. The Navigate Shared Values Workshop focuses on identifying and communicating the values you share with your stakeholders so you can begin to build trust in your products, processes, people and brands.
About Navigate Shared Values Workshop
Our Navigate Shared Values Workshop is a unique approach to communication training that focuses on identifying the values you share with your target audiences. It offers a proven, interactive curriculum designed to produce meaningful conversations that build and grow trust. Workshops are available as half or full-day sessions.
Workshop features
- A curriculum that’s tailored to your needs
- Research-based insights
- Ready-to-use techniques
- Customized message development
- A comprehensive training workbook
What you’ll learn
- The one barrier to meaningful communication
- Three steps to effectively engaging your audience
- Why simply sharing information misses the mark
- Techniques for navigating through difficult, complex and controversial conversations
- How to leverage the important values you share with target audiences to build trust