Look East Community Garden grows potential
Team | April 20, 2016
All over the country, from bustling cities to quiet country towns, vacant land bursts with potential – the potential to help us grow together. People are discovering the amazing effects that planting a seed can have on individuals and their neighborhoods.
The Look East Community Garden at our Kansas City office is bursting with potential. Working in cooperation with local businesses and youth organizations, we constructed 20 raised garden beds, which are being leased by our neighbors, members of the community and employees. Produce raised in the garden that isn’t used by the gardeners will be donated to local food banks and other charitable organizations.
“Our Look East Community Garden further demonstrates our commitment to growing trust and is a great opportunity for our team and neighbors to dig in and get their hands dirty, while benefitting area organizations,” said Charlie Arnot, CEO of Look East.
These raised beds will yield a bountiful harvest, and not just tomatoes and beans. A community garden can:
A community garden provides common ground for people of any age or background to share their knowledge, passion or curiosity. And because gardening is a universal language, there are no limits to who can be involved.
We’re excited to see how our garden and our community grow this summer.