The 2019 50//$500 Program

Look East gives back to those who do good for others. At Look East, we like to encourage a culture of giving. Sometimes it is in the form of helping a colleague in a pinch and other times it’s donating time to a greater cause through our 50 // $500 program.

When employees volunteer 50 hours of their personal time to a cause or organization, Look East provides a $500 gift in their name to the organization. In 2019, five employee owners were recognized for their contributions.

Church of Christ


Talitta Bell volunteers with the Church of Christ in Kansas City as a part of the women’s group. Talitta enjoys the fellowship of the church group she helped establish and serving those in need in the name of her faith.

Carmel Clay Historical Society

Terry Fleck volunteers at the Carmel Clay Historical Society near Indianapolis. His efforts are a great help to an organization that operates with very little funding. Among his other membership efforts, Terry and his wife, Jane, hosted a holiday homes tour for the organization.

Joy Johnson considers Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines her home away from home. She and her family volunteer and spend free time at the church following and serving its mission.

Minnesota-FFA-Foundation-logo-2005-1Donna Moenning is a huge proponent of FFA. Between working full-time for Look East and managing a farm with her husband, Donna spends most free time with the Minnesota FFA Foundation. Read more about her honorary degree she received at the 2019 National FFA Convention, here.

Literary KC
Jennie Nguyen dedicated a portion of each week to tutoring adult learners as part of the Literacy KC program. She learned that she loved working with adult learners and especially enjoyed her student because she was able to speak and translate Vietnamese.